Get the trauma-informed care you need and deserve.

Work With Me

therapy office with yellow chair


Therapy and counseling offered virtually or at my office in downtown Holland, MI. I specialize in working with trauma with an integrative approach, weaving somatic therapy, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Polyvagal Theory, interpersonal neurobiology, depth psychology, attachment theory, and relational psychodynamics. If you have tried therapy that has not been effective for you, you aren’t alone. Perhaps it is time for a completely different approach.

50 mins |  $165  


Trauma integration coaching can help you find regulation and a felt sense of safety in your body, enhance self-compassion, and experience post-traumatic growth through virtual 1:1 sessions. Coaching, however, is not counseling, therapy, or psychological services.

50 mins |  $165  


A novel treatment approach that involves the use of the legal psychedelic medicine, ketamine, in combination with therapy. Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) has been shown to produce rapid improvements in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

[Not currently accepting new KAP clients]

2.5 hours |  $495 

man with hand on head, looking sad


Trauma intensives are 2-5 days long and we meet one-on-one for 3 hours each day. There's a loose scaffolding we follow but it's very much an organic process completely tailored to what your body, mind, and nervous system need most.

2-5 day intensives |  varies

Learn more  


Coming soon! Trauma retreats in Costa Rica, blending the healing potential of a trauma intensive with the rest, play, fun, and spaciousness of a retreat by the beach. Please contact me to get on the waitlist. Retreats will begin in 2025.

5-7 days |  varies  

tree with colorful halo around it against mysterious blue sky


In spiritual direction, together we access the interior depth dimensions of self and read the grammar of soul and the syntax of Spirit. Spiritual direction is an intentional space for tending to what is deepest in you: your yearnings, your fears, your hopes...your life. It is a time set aside for paying attention to your innermost being and the divine. Ryan completed a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction in 2015.

50 mins |  $165  

“Ryan has been a faithful guide to me through the deepest year of personal renewal I've experienced. Patient, wise, and caring, he has helped me face things I was afraid of, untangle issues that confounded me, and live into my True Self. One of his great gifts is taking the whole person into account. Ryan takes the emotions, mind, and body into account in every session. I can safely say I am a healthier and more whole husband, father, pastor and human because of Ryan's careful guidance in my life.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.