Trauma Therapy Intensives

Find the way back home to your body, mind, soul and relationships

Trauma Intensives

Trauma therapy intensives are either 2, 3, 4, or 5 days long and we meet one-on-one for 3 hours each day. They take place at my office in Holland, MI or virtually. There's a loose scaffolding we follow but it's very much an organic process completely tailored to what your body, mind, and nervous system need most. Through a collaborative and highly integrative approach, we will go into depth in the following key areas:

  • Exactly why you get stuck in trauma responses and how to shift this protective patterning

  • Uncover and access your embodied resources and resilience and learn to rely on their innate capacity to support you in your healing process

  • How to regulate your nervous system with powerful and effective neural exercises

  • Effectively address your particular physiological, emotional, and cognitive symptoms at their root using a highly integrative approach

  • Develop a rhythm of using neural exercises to form the foundation of not only nervous system regulation, but nervous system re-patterning and expansion

  • Understand your polyvagal nervous system in order to feel safe in your body, relationships and in the world

  • Unburden protective parts and child-like parts, uncovering the wisdom they hold within

  • Through interpersonal neurobiology, move from entrenched patterns of chaos and rigidity into “the river of integration”

  • Resolve traumatic memories at their root through powerful reconsolidation practices that allow memories to be refiled in the area of the brain where they belong

  • Engage in attachment processes that facilitate resolution of relational conflict

  • Metabolize the two core emotions that always result from trauma: anger & grief

  • Transmute trauma into connection, joy & pursuit of your deepest desires

  • Encounter post-traumatic growth and embrace your highest calling and purpose

  • Access and learn to consistently be in tune with your inner guidance

  • Experience spiritual reconnection regardless of your faith tradition

The trauma therapy intensive I offer is precisely what I needed—but never encountered—during my 10+ years of being debilitated by severe PTSD, complex trauma, depression & anxiety. I come to this sacred work not only as one who has extensive trauma training and credentials, but as one who knows the terrain of trauma intimately and can guide you as your own healing journey evolves and deepens.​


5 day trauma intensive: $4500

4 day trauma intensive: $3600

3 day trauma intensive: $2700

2 day trauma intensive: $1800

Trauma intensives involve an initial upfront investment, but usually prove to be more cost effective than regular therapy or coaching due the sheer amount of healing clients experience in a very short period of time. I like to think of each day of an intensive as equivalent to 6 weeks of regular sessions. A single 5 day intensive is like 30 weeks of standard sessions. Of course everyone’s experience varies, but no one has ever walked away disappointed or lukewarm. In fact, I regularly hear from clients who completed an intensive and they tend to use phrases like “That was the best investment of my life” and “I am in awe of how different I feel now.”

Together we co-construct a sanctuary for your healing

Clients find that completing a trauma therapy intensive in Holland, MI or online not only brings about robust integration of past traumatic experience and a lessening of symptoms, but it becomes an essential cornerstone for any further therapeutic work they choose to do.

“Ryan proved to be an expert guide, weaving somatic, spiritual & emotional approaches as we traversed the treacherous paths of my story. During the five day trauma intensive, we organically transitioned between teaching, regulatory exercises, and the reintegration of traumatized parts of me. Under his kind, gentle guidance, I integrated traumatized younger parts of myself that previously remained inaccessible, even after years of therapeutic work with other practitioners. Ryan embodies incredible wisdom, intuition, and therapeutic skills. I left our time together with a profound shift in my trauma symptoms & anxiety levels as well as greater connection to my true self, deeper alignment with my desires, and a newfound confidence in living a life of joy and freedom.”